Friday, December 17, 2010

Webster students show their inventiveness

PLYMOUTH – Webster second grade teachers challenged and their classes responded with an outpouring of inventiveness.
Teachers Kari Osborn, Jodi Eveland  and Crystal Uyhelji had their students read a story. It was about a pair of creative young inventors.
“The story was called ‘Pearl and Wagner,’” said Eveland. “It was about a science fair and they made a trash eating robot. In the end of the story they didn’t win the science fair but the story was about friendship and team work.”
To encourage creativity in their students the teacher’s gave them an assignment – to submit a paper describing and adventure of their own. An optional part of the assignment was to then actually make their invention. The outpouring of inventions was remarkable.
“The impressive thing to me is that it was optional,” said Eveland. “Everybody had to turn in the paper, but building their invention was optional. The response was great.
“I was really impressed by the way they took to the assignment, the enthusiasm they showed in doing it. They could make anything they wanted, using any materials they wanted and they had some really creative ideas.”

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