Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A message from Dan Tyree on current Indiana Legislation regarding the school calendar

The opinions expressed in this release do not reflect those of myself or Plymouth Community School Corporation. I am simply reporting what legislation is or has gone through committee that may have an impact on public accredited schools.

Last week Senate Bill 0171, restricting the beginning and ending dates for schools, was passed and now goes to the Education Committee in its amended form.

The bill, if passed would not allow schools to start before Labor Day and would have to end before June 10 of the following year. The amended form would allow the year to be extended past June 10 only after three public board meetings and a majority vote of the board.

Professionally, this will make little impact on the school academic year. We will still be quite capable of getting in the required 180 days of school with those restrictions, only asking for extended time after June 10 for the make up of snow days. Vacation time would be drastically affected, though.

I have put together a new calendar and the following vacation times would be altered or eliminated:

1. Fall Break would be completely eliminated.
2. Holiday Break would be limited to one week.
3. Spring Break would be completely eliminated.

How do you feel about this calendar? Does this fit the needs of your business? Does this fit the needs of your family? Regardless of how you answer, please take the time to email your representative officials and let them know how you feel. I don’t want any Plymouth Community School family to let these changes be made state-wide without your input.

Contact Your Representatives:
Edward E. Charbonneau S5@in.gov
Nancy Dembowski H17@in.gov

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